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- Inscrit
- 22 Décembre 2015

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This add-on is only compatible with XenForo 1.4.3 and above!
This add-on makes use of the custom user fields by allowing your users to input their various gamer tags from the games they play. It can be configured to use certain gamer profiles if you do not wish to display them all. Simply look in the style properties [PE] Gamer Profiles for settings for displaying what icons you would like. If you have a suggestion mention it and I'll see about adding it. This add-on supports sites running SSL as well, mainly the linked images.
Supported Profiles
The following are default in XenForo
- Steam - Links to Daniel Leclercq's Steam profile -
- PSN - Links to user's PSN profile -
- Xbox Live - Links to User's Xbox profile -
- Origin - Opens Origin to add as firend
- BF4 - Links to 404 That page doesn't exist Battlelog / Battlefield 4
- Twitch - Links to User's Twitch channel
- Youtube - Links to User's Youtube channel
- Minecraft - Links to User's forum profile info tab
- League of Legends - Links to User's forum profile info tab
- Skype
- Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your XenForo installation
- Import the addon-PEGamerProfiles.xml in the ACP
Set what icons to display and set permissions to view.
There is a permission used to limit the view of member's gamer cards on profiles and also a permission to disable viewing of profile icons per group.
- ACP -> Users -> User Group Permissions
- ACP -> Options -> [PE] Gamer Profiles
- ACP -> Style Properties -> [PE] Gamer Profiles -> Settings
- ACP -> Style Properties -> Message Elements -> Show Custom User Fields
When enabled and the user has said field filled in with their id's icons will be displayed in various locations. Gamer icons can either be set to use 24px or 16px version in the style properties. Also the display of a Gamer Card is supported with Steam, PSN, Xbox Live.
Gamer Cards and Profile stats for Steam, PSN and Xbox Live are hosted by So a big thanks to Exophase's creator and owner for allowing the use of his work in this add-on! I tried to make the add-on as consistent as possible and these gamer cards did just that .
Member Card
Profile Page with Gamer Card tab with optional signature code for the users.