Torrents Stats
- Partagées
- 130 Go
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- 0 bytes
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- Messages
- 125
- J'aime
- 5 068
- Trophées
- 725
- Inscrit
- 2 Novembre 2019
Le Plugin marche dans les versions suivantes :
Le Plugin marche dans les versions suivantes :
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- Tag System! (Stop combat log and more)
- When you enter PvP your nametag will change color/prefix
- Also has an option to get tagged by any damage (PvE)
- Define how long will the players be tagged!
- The message will display the person you tagged/tagged you.
- You can check time left with /tag
- Can block enderpearl usage while tagged
- Can block placing blocks while tagged
- Possible to whitelist/blacklist commands and subcommands while tagged
[*]Disable Fly/GameMode/Disguises/Invisibility/GodMode on combat!
- Completely configurable
- Disables Godmode from Essentials or CommandBook
- Protects you from any kind of PvP including splash potions
- Blocks lava/fire placing near you!
- Optionally switch your nametag color according to PvP status!
- Execute custom commands on PvP Toggle and specify a cooldown!
- Drop inventory, armor or exp separately
- Apply a money penalty or kill the player!
- Broadcasts and logs to a file when someone pvp logs!
- Option to not spawn NPC inside WorldGuard regions.
- The NPC will appear using the same equipment as the player!
- The NPC will have the player's skin!
- If the NPC dies so does the player when he logs back in!
- If the NPC drops items the player will also lose them!
- You can control if the NPC will drop only armor, inventory or exp!
- Copies many other things from the player such as food level
- Despawns after specified time, possible to block player login while it's spawned
- Just as the name suggests, no need to click the respawn button!
- Actually lets the player die before respawn, not a fake respawn
- ALWAYS mode - PvPManager does nothing with the drops
- DROP mode - Players only drop items when killed in PvP
- KEEP mode - Players only drop items when killed in PvE
- TRANSFER mode - Same as DROP but items are transferred to the killer!
- New players are PvP protected(Or PvE if enabled in config).
- Can block them from picking up items while protected!
- Define for how long they will be protected
- Players can be attacked inside safezones while tagged by other tagged players!
- Pushback player when he tries to enter a WorldGuard region while tagged
- First option supports all zones including WorldGuard, Factions(UUID) and GriefPrevention, pushback only supports WorldGuard for now
- Killing the same player several times over a period of time will trigger custom commands.
- Those commands are up to you. Kick, ban, warn etc
- Teleport protection to stop players creating tp traps
- Command cooldown after dying in PvP to stop player abuse
- Stop spawn killing by adding some seconds of protection on respawn
- Execute a custom command on each kill
- You could give the killer a speed boost or some special item!
- Reward money to the killer
- Take money from the killed player
- Supports percentages so the player could lose 5% of his money as an example!
Supported Plugins
- Essentials[*]CommandBook
- Disabling godmode
- Pushback on regions and auto enable PvP on regions with PvP allow
- Apply fines and give money rewards
- Use PvPManager placeholders in other plugins
- Pushback when entering lands
- Prevent attacks between friendly players while tagged
/pvp [on/off] - Toggle PvP
/pvp [player] [on/off] - Toggle PvP for other player
/pvpgrant <player> <minutes> - Grant PvP protection for x minutes
/pvpungrant <player> - Remove granted protection
/pvplist - Shows all players with PvP enabled
/pvpinfo [player] - Shows info about you or other player
/pvpstatus [player] - Check yours or other player's PvP status
/pvpo - Enables override and allows player to attack everywhere
/pvpm - Shows PvPManager help page
/pvpm reload - Reloads PvPManager
/pvpm cleanup <days> - Cleanup inactive users from database
/newbie [disable] - Check time left as newbie or disable protection
/tag - Shows time left until out of combat
/announce - Broadcast a message to everyone with color code support!
/soup - Refill all your empty bowls
/pvpglobal <on|off> - Toggle PvP for the whole server
Lien :
Lien Officiel : Link Removed
/pvp [on/off] - Toggle PvP
/pvp [player] [on/off] - Toggle PvP for other player
/pvpgrant <player> <minutes> - Grant PvP protection for x minutes
/pvpungrant <player> - Remove granted protection
/pvplist - Shows all players with PvP enabled
/pvpinfo [player] - Shows info about you or other player
/pvpstatus [player] - Check yours or other player's PvP status
/pvpo - Enables override and allows player to attack everywhere
/pvpm - Shows PvPManager help page
/pvpm reload - Reloads PvPManager
/pvpm cleanup <days> - Cleanup inactive users from database
/newbie [disable] - Check time left as newbie or disable protection
/tag - Shows time left until out of combat
/announce - Broadcast a message to everyone with color code support!
/soup - Refill all your empty bowls
/pvpglobal <on|off> - Toggle PvP for the whole server
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