Vérifié AWarn 3 [Last Update!]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

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9 Mars 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

Torrents Stats

15 Juin 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈

Torrents Stats

7 Août 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 2

Torrents Stats

11 Décembre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

14 Juin 2018
je vais voir médiatement


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

23 Janvier 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci pour cette addon


Membre 🏅

Torrents Stats

7 Juin 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
jaime se contenue contoinue comme sa


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

8 Avril 2020
j'aime ce contenue la merci à toi


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

30 Avril 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

4 Juin 2021
Merci , parfait je vais test


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Novembre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci pour le partage


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

3 Novembre 2019
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci a toi!


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Avril 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

Torrents Stats

13 Mars 2019
Merci pour lke partage de l'addons


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

15 Octobre 2019
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci je go le test


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Octobre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Super leak


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

30 Novembre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

30 Novembre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

31 Octobre 2020
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
Menu awarn - Ouvre le menu AWarn3.

Commandes de chat
! warn - Ouvre le menu AWarn3
! avertir <player / steamid> <reason>- Avertit un joueur avec une raison donnée.
Le chat peut être configuré dans le menu de configuration du jeu.

Admin Mod / Autorisations
  • Prise en charge incluse des mods d’administration suivants:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServeurGuard
  • SAM
  • CAMI (Prise en charge de tout mod d’administration disposant d’intégrations d’autorisations CAMI)
  • Les autorisations suivantes doivent être utilisées avec vos mods d’administration respectifs:
  • awarn_view - Possibilité de voir d’autres joueurs
  • awarn_warn - Capacité à avertir les autres joueurs
  • awarn_remove - Possibilité de supprimer les avertissements actifs des joueurs.
  • awarn_delete - Possibilité de supprimer les avertissements uniques et tous les avertissements des joueurs.
  • awarn_options : possibilité de modifier les options du serveur.
  • awarn_immune - À l’abri d’être averti par quiconque!

Pourquoi ce nouvel addon et pas seulement une mise à jour d’AWarn2?
  1. C’est une réécriture totale. Code complètement nouveau. C’est un nouvel addon, pas seulement une mise à jour de AWarn2.
  2. Tout comme avec d’autres logiciels, lorsque de nouvelles versions majeures sortent, il y a souvent des frais pour l’acheter. AWarn3 est seulement $ 6 ($ 5 pour AWarn2) il est donc logique d’en faire un addon séparé.
  3. La façon dont les données sont stockées n’est pas compatible entre AWarn2 et AWarn3, donc si vous utilisez AWarn3, vous devez commencer « à nouveau ». C’est la principale raison pour laquelle je choisis d’en faire juste une mise à jour d’AWarn2. Je voulais avoir le choix.
  4. Enfin, les gens pourraient tout simplement ne pas aimer AWarn3 et vouloir rester avec AWarn2. Je ne voulais pas avoir deux versions du même addon.

Mise à niveau à partir d’AWarn2
AWarn3 a eu une révision majeure est stocké et comment est stocké. Cela étant dit, AWarn3 n’est PAS rétrocompatible avec AWarn2. Vous devrez désinstaller complètement AWarn2 avant d’installer AWarn3. Les données et les avertissements de AWarn2 seront présents dans AWarn3.

Lien d’origine - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci plus


Membre 🏅

Torrents Stats

22 Août 2021
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. AWarn3 allows you to give your punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick Modern User Interface!

  • Administrators can warn players and track warnings of players who are on the server.
  • Administrators can search offline players and view their warnings.
  • Players are notified when they are warned and can view their own warnings.
  • Administrators are notified when a player has a warning history connects to the server.
  • Warnings are saved to SQLite database (built into garrysmod) but there is support for MySQL00 for those who wish to use that!
  • AWarn3 can be configured to automatically have a certain number of warnings. All of these punishments are fully configurable through the in-game UI.
  • Players or Groups can be immune to being warned through the use of 'awarn_immune' permission.
  • Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time. This gives a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
  • Stand-Alone, but there is support for the following admin mods: ULX, ServerGuard, xAdmin, and SAM.
  • Some aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
  • Language support is built in. Customers can choose their own language from the text menu.
  • Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned / kicked / banned through AWarn3.

Commands Console
awarn warn <player name / SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername / SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name / SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.

Chat Commands
! warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
! warn <player / steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.

Admin Mod / Permissions
  • Included support for the following admin mods:
  • ULX
  • xadmin
  • ServerGuard
  • SAT
  • CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations)
  • The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
  • awarn_view - Ability to view other players
  • awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
  • awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
  • awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
  • awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
  • awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!

Why is this new addon and not just an update to AWarn2?
  1. It's a total rewrite. Completely new code. It's a new addon, not just an update to AWarn2.
  2. Just like with other softwares, when new major versions come out, often times there is a fee to buy it. AWarn3 is only $ 6 ($ 5 for AWarn2) so it makes sense to just make it a separate addon.
  3. The way data is stored is not compatible between AWarn2 and AWarn3, so if you use AWarn3, you have to start 'fresh'. This is the MAIN reason I choose to make this just an update to AWarn2. I wanted to have a choice.
  4. Finally, people might just not like AWarn3 and want to stick with AWarn2. I did not want to have two versions of the same addon.

Upgrading from AWarn2
AWarn3 had a major overhaul is stored and how is stored. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. Data and warnings from AWarn2 will be present in AWarn3.

Original Link - https://gmodstore.com/market/view/awarn3-warning-system

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