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Vérifié ? [dk] Ticket System / Version 1.0.66
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Cool je test sa
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
merci sa me sert de ouf vraiment
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
merci bg
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Merci pour l addon
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
merci tu geres nikel ce partage
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Merci ! j'ai besoin d'un addons ticket pour mon administration !
[QUOTE = "Entha, post: 184140, member: 16001"]
Hey, I'm leaking the "[dk] Ticket System" addon in version 1.0.66. It is drm free, I'll let you enjoy it!
Download: [<b> Hidden Content </b>]
Official link: lien ou image supprimée
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
ULX / ServerGuard / FAdmin support.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parameters in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has the opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ ticket name reason" (open menu "/ ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable / enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [EN]: Put the folder in garrysmod / addons /
Installation [EN]: Put the folder in garrysmod / addons /
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
grege gerg ergergerg erg erg ergergre
Hey, je vous leak l'addon "[dk] Ticket System" en version 1.0.66. Il est sans drm, je vous laisse en profiter !
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Lien officiel : lien ou image supprimée
Description :
Nice looking design.
Simple in using.
Notification system while opening, closing, deleting, taking a ticket and so on.
Support all gamemodes.
Support ULX/ServerGuard/FAdmin.
There is an opportunity to watch admins which are online.
Full configuration of all parametres in game.
A system for sorting all tickets by player, type, reason and time.
Using SQLite.
Every admin and player has his own stats profile.
Every admin has his own rank and original color which depends on admin's rank.
Rating 0-1 -Trainee.
Rating 1-2 - Amateur.
Rating 2-3 - Specialist.
Rating 3-4 - Expert.
Rating 4-5 - Guru.
Superadmin has access to settings, and opportunity to delete and close the tickets.
After closing the ticket, player has opportunity to rate an admin that checked him.
Fast sending by "/ticket name reason" (open menu "/ticsys")
Context menu has a button for opening ticket's system.
Auto downloading of content through Steam Workshop.
Admin rank is determined after 10 solved tickets.
Ability to disable/enable notifications.
Ability to reset all settings.
Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/
A essayer