Samples Techno AI Vocals


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

18 Juillet 2018
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Décembre 2023
Let's go merci becoup c'est génial


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Janvier 2018
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

5 Décembre 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci !

Mingo Beatz

l'Actif 🥉

Torrents Stats

31 Octobre 2021
merci pour le partage gros ! :)


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Juillet 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

Dans la quête de nouveaux paysages sonores, HY2ROGEN rejoint la révolution de l'intelligence artificielle avec un pack d'échantillons vocaux sensationnel intitulé Techno AI Vocals .
Les machines se sont réveillées et appellent l’humanité à évoluer dans une symbiose complexe entre la nature artificielle et humaine. Préparez-vous à pimenter vos morceaux et à améliorer l'expérience du public avec ces échantillons vocaux très polyvalents composés de phrases vocales, de mots, de chœurs symphoniques, d'effets vocaux glitcheux et de boucles d'ambiance générés et méticuleusement traités et mutilés.
Accédez à près de 900 Mo d'outils vocaux et créez des intros massives qui donnent la chair de poule, améliorez les pannes mélodiques, créez des grooves vocaux répétitifs ou placez-les simplement n'importe où dans vos pistes pour des résultats garantis. Vous pouvez vous attendre à trouver une large gamme de cadeaux vocaux répartis dans 5 dossiers principaux (Ambiances vocales, Effets vocaux, Phrases vocales, Chœurs vocaux et Mots) tout en ayant à votre disposition des versions sèches et non traitées pour les phrases et les mots. Nous avons également inclus les fichiers MIDI pour les boucles du chœur et un document de fichier texte contenant les paroles des phrases que vous pouvez copier/coller et modifier dans votre outil de génération vocale préféré.
Ne vous limitez pas à croire que ces outils vocaux ont été conçus uniquement pour le domaine techno, car ils peuvent être incorporés dans un large éventail de genres tels que le futur rave, le progressif, le big room, la deep tech, toutes les saveurs de la bass music et n'importe où. sinon, vous devez vous connecter avec la foule.
Ce que vous obtenez, c'est 893 Mo de contenu réparti sous forme de 832 fichiers au total. Consultez les spécifications complètes ci-dessous pour plus de détails. Tous les fichiers audio ont été exportés sous forme de fichiers WAV avec une qualité de 24 bits/44,1 kHz.
Attention : la démo a été entièrement réalisée avec les sons inclus dans ce pack d'échantillons. Les phrases et mots vocaux ne sont pas étiquetés et ne sont accompagnés d’aucune sorte de synchronisation du tempo. Les boucles d'effets vocaux ne se synchronisent pas parfaitement avec le rythme car elles ont été produites pour être insérées dans des sections sans rythme d'une piste et les informations sur le tempo sont fournies à titre indicatif.
Achetez-en un exemplaire aujourd'hui, laissez-vous inspirer et élevez vos sens musicaux !

Travaillez plus intelligemment, faites de la musique plus rapidement !
Toutes les références à des marques sur ce site/page, y compris les références aux marques et instruments, sont fournies à des fins de description uniquement. Par exemple, des références aux marques d'instruments sont fournies pour décrire le son de l'instrument et/ou de l'instrument utilisé dans l'échantillon. Loopmasters n'a (et ne revendique pas) aucune association ou approbation par ces marques. Toute bonne volonté attachée à ces marques appartient au propriétaire de la marque. Loopmasters ou ses fournisseurs n'acceptent aucune responsabilité quant au contenu de l'échantillon ou à l'exactitude de la description. « RHODES » est une marque déposée de Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 Mo
  • WAV 24 bits/44,1 kHz
  • 832 fichiers au total
  • 822 échantillons WAV
  • 10 fichiers MIDI
  • 10 boucles d'ambiance vocale
  • 26 boucles d'effets vocaux
  • 382 phrases vocales (humides et sèches)
  • 10 boucles de pad de choeur vocal
  • 394 mots parlés (humides et secs)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

5 Janvier 2023
Alors franchement je suis très curieux du résultat et j'ai très très hâte de tester!


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

1 Février 2024
Nice stuff bro, I'll Listen to it


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

19 Septembre 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

20 Novembre 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

15 Janvier 2024
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉

Torrents Stats

24 Août 2021
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

Preview : lien ou image supprimé

Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Décembre 2022
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Janvier 2020
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Mars 2024
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

23 Janvier 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
on va tater ça merci


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

5 Avril 2020
merci pour le partage la tcheam


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

Torrents Stats

22 Mai 2023
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
super merci


Master 🏆
Level 3

Torrents Stats

2 Juillet 2019
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

Preview : lien ou image supprimé

Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2020
Voir la pièce jointe 67331

In the quest for new soundscapes, HY2ROGEN joins the artificial intelligence revolution with a sensational vocal sample pack titled Techno AI Vocals.
The machines have awoken, and they are calling mankind to evolve in an intricate symbiosis between artificial and human nature. Get ready to spice up your tracks and enhance the audience’s experience with these highly versatile vocal samples that consist of generated and meticulously processed and mangled vocal phrases, words, symphonic choirs, glitchy vocal effects and ambience loops.
Access close to 900 MB of vocal tools and create massive goosebump-inducing intros, enhance melodic breakdowns, create repetitive vocal grooves, or simply place these anywhere in your tracks for guaranteed results. You can expect to find a wide range of vocal goodies that have been spread across 5 main folders (Vocal Ambiences, Vocal FX, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Choirs, and Words) while having dry and unprocessed versions at your disposal for the phrases and words. We have also included the MIDI files for the choir loops and a text file document containing the phrase lyrics which you can copy/paste and alter within your preferred voice generation tool.
Don’t limit your thinking to believing these vocal tools have been made only for the techno realm as they can be incorporated within a wide range of genres such as future rave, progressive, big room, deep tech, all flavours of bass music and anywhere else you need to connect with the crowd.
What you get is 893 MB of content served up as 832 total files. Check out the full specifications below for more details. All audio has been exported as WAV files at a quality of 24-bit/44.1kHz.
Please note: the demo has been made entirely with sounds included in this sample pack. The vocal phrases and words are not key-labelled and do not come with tempo syncing of any kind. The vocal FX loops do not sync perfectly with the beat as these have been produced to be inserted on beat-free sections of a track and the tempo information comes as a general guideline.
Grab a copy today, get inspired and elevate your musical senses!

Work smarter, make music faster!
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. "RHODES" is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
  • 893 MB
  • 24-Bit / 44.1kHz WAV
  • 832 Total Files
  • 822 WAV Samples
  • 10 MIDI Files
  • 10 Vocal Ambience Loops
  • 26 Vocal FX Loops
  • 382 Vocal Phrases (Wet & Dry)
  • 10 Vocal Choir Pad Loops
  • 394 Spoken Words (Wet & Dry)

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Link DL : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
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