XenForo 1.X [v20170808] s9e Media BBCodes Pack


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Level 5

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26 Novembre 2015

Source : https://xenforo.com/community/resources/s9e-media-bbcodes-pack.2476/
Download : http://veryleaks.to/index.php?resources/s9e-media-bbcodes-pack.1506/download&version=1542

This pack contains the definitions for 121 media sites: ABC News, Amazon Product, audioBoom, Audiomack, Bandcamp, BBC News, Blab, Bleacher Report videos, Break, Brightcove, CBS News Video, CNBC, CNN, CNNMoney, CollegeHumor, Comedy Central, Coub, Dailymotion, Democracy Now!, dumpert, 8tracks, ESPN, Facebook, Flickr, FORA.tv, Fox News, Funny or Die, Gamespot, GameTrailers, Getty Images, Gfycat, Gifs.com, GitHub Gist (via custom iframe), Global News, GoFundMe, Google Drive, Google+, Google Sheets, Healthguru, Hudl, Hulu, HumorTV, IGN, IMDb, Imgur, Indiegogo, Instagram, Internet Archive, İzlesene, JW Platform, Kontinental Hockey League (КХЛ), Kickstarter, Kiss Video, Libsyn, LiveCap, LiveLeak, Livestream, Mail.Ru, Medium, Metacafe, Mixcloud, MLB, MRCTV, MSNBC, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Video, NBC News, NBC Sports, NHL Videos and Highlights, NPR, The New York Times Video, Oddshot, Pastebin, Pinterest, Plays.tv, Podbean, Prezi, Reddit threads and comments, Rutube, Scribd, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Sportsnet, Spotify, Steam store, Stitcher, Straw Poll, Streamable, Team Coco, TED Talks, The Atlantic Video, The Guardian, The Onion, TinyPic videos, TMZ, Trailer Addict, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, Ustream, VBOX7, Veoh, VEVO, Viagame, Video Detective, Videomega, vidme, Vimeo, Vine, VK, Vocaroo, Vox, Washington Post Video, WorldStarHipHop, The Wall Street Journal Online, XboxClips, Xbox DVR, Yahoo! Screen, Youku, YouTube, Zippyshare audio files. The complete list with examples of supported URLs can be found on this page.

The BBCodes definitions are based on the s9e\TextFormatter library, and more specifically its MediaEmbed plugin. The BBCodes are designed for performance: the media site is only accessed once during posting, and only if absolutely necessary.

Installation / Upgrade

Unzip the archive and upload the content of the upload folder to your XenForo installation. Then go to your forum's Admin CP and install/upgrade the add-on via the provided addon-s9e.xml file.


You can configure which categories of media sites you want installed in the Admin CP by going to Home > Options > s9e Media Pack. By default, all the media sites are installed. You do not need to reinstall after changing the configuration.

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