Vérifié Zero´s Yeastbeast ⚗️ (Alcohol Script)


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

23 Juillet 2022

La description

Ce script ajoute une tâche Moonshine Distiller à DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast donne à vos joueurs la possibilité de produire, vendre et boire du moonshine dans DarkRP ou BaseWars.

Processus de jeu :
  1. Construisez la distillerie en ajoutant le refroidisseur à la chaudière et le condenseur au refroidisseur en utilisant les kits de construction.
  2. Ajouter de l'eau / du sucre dans le baril de fermentation
  3. Moudre un bloc de levure à l'aide du broyeur de levure
  4. Ajouter la levure broyée au baril de fermentation
  5. Secouez le baril de fermentation
  6. Attendez qu'il termine le processus de fermentation
  7. Remplir la purée fermentée dans la chaudière de la distillerie
  8. Ajouter du bois à la chaudière
  9. Après avoir atteint sa température d'ébullition de 20°C, il commence à s'infiltrer dans la partie de refroidissement de la distillerie.
  10. Diminuez la température de la chaudière avec la soupape de dépressurisation pour éviter qu'elle n'explose.
  11. Le refroidisseur commence maintenant à refroidir la vapeur de purée et l'envoie au condenseur.
  12. Lors du refroidissement, l'eau se réchauffe donc en vidant une partie de l'eau à l'aide de la vanne et en ajoutant de l'eau nouvelle, la température reste basse, ce qui augmente le processus de refroidissement.
  13. Le condenseur condense maintenant le moonshine à son produit final. En ajoutant des modules de mise à niveau, vous pouvez améliorer la vitesse et la quantité de production du condenseur.
  14. Ajoutez enfin les bocaux vides du JarPack au condenseur.
  15. Les pots Moonshine peuvent être consommés maintenant ou emballés dans des caisses de pots pour une vente ultérieure.

Lien de téléchargement : [Contenu caché]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

31 Août 2019


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci je vais test et redire si ca fonctionne merci :)


l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

11 Janvier 2021


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

15 Juin 2019


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
lourd lourd, merci poto :)


l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

21 Janvier 2018
merci my friend very nice ❤


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Septembre 2020


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

3 Août 2022


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Mai 2018
merci piur le partage de laddon !


Membre 🏅
Level 2

Torrents Stats

19 Juillet 2022


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci laddon est vrmnt exclellent


Membre 🏅
Level 2

Torrents Stats

29 Juillet 2022
dqsdqs dq bqds s ujdui jdfuihju gj uiosfjuhj s jshiojksoh


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

30 Avril 2022


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci poto pour le leak


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

21 Janvier 2018
salut j'adore ce script merci


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

27 Avril 2022
Merci beaucoup pour cette addons

[FR] Bones

l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

22 Mai 2019


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci beaucoup bg


Membre 🏅

Torrents Stats

22 Mai 2022
Merci beaucoup, merci pour ce truc


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Juillet 2022


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [Hidden content]

Alberto Delarue

l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

23 Août 2020


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2021


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Octobre 2022
Thanks man, i wait this addon for so longs ! Your the best


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

4 Octobre 2022


This Script adds a Moonshine Distiller Job to DarkRP.

Zero´s Yeastbeast gives your players the ability to produce, sell and drink moonshine in DarkRP or BaseWars.

Gameplay Process:
  1. Building the Distillery by adding the Cooler to the Boiler and the Condenser to the Cooler by using the Construction Kits.
  2. Add Water/ Sugar to the Fermentation Barrel
  3. Grind a Yeastblock using the Yeastgrinder
  4. Add Grinded Yeast to the Fermentation Barrel
  5. Shake the Fermentation Barrel
  6. Wait for it to finish fermentation process
  7. Fill the fermentated Mash in to the Boiler of the Distillery
  8. Add Wood to the Boiler
  9. After reaching its boil temperatur of 20c it starts to steam in to the cooling part of the distillery.
  10. Decrease the Temperatur of the Boiler with the Depressurize Valve to avoid it from exploding.
  11. The Cooler now starts to cooldown the mash steam and sends it to the Condenser.
  12. When cooling the water warms up so draining some of the Water using the Valve and adding new water keeps the temperatur low which increase the cooling process.
  13. The Condenser now condenses now the moonshine to its final product. By adding upgrade modules you can improve speed and production amount of the condenser.
  14. Finally add empty jars from the JarPack to the condenser.
  15. The Moonshine Jars can be consumed now or packed in to Jar crates for further selling.

Download Link : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
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